HRDs being interviewed by journalists


Announcing PI’s Global Strategy Framework 2024-2028: “An Enabling Environment for the Right to Defend Human Rights”

18 June 2024

Protection International (PI) is proud to announce the launch of our Global Strategy Framework for the years 2024-2028 entitled “An Enabling Environment for the Right to Defend Human Rights”, which will guide our work for the next five years.

Drafted after extensive conversations and discussions with human rights defenders (HRDs), as well as with our teams, partners and funders, this Strategy reflects our renewed commitment to meaningfully support HRDs and their collectives to make informed decisions about their protection and to defend human rights safely. We will also continue to join forces with our partners and allies to urge power holders to take all necessary actions to eliminate the barriers to the right to defend human rights (RDHR), and to create and uphold enabling environments for rights defence, both offline and online.

Therefore, our strategic objectives for the years 2024-2028 are:

  1. HRDs and their collectives have the agency to defend human rights safely: PI’s focus is on contributing to the continued strengthening of the safety, capacity, and agency of HRDs and their collectives and to support them in dismantling power imbalances and leveling the playing field.
  2. Power holders take all necessary actions to create and uphold enabling environments for the RDHR: PI aims to compel power-holders to acknowledge their roles and obligations in the protection and promotion of the RDHR and to urge them to take concrete action to create and uphold an enabling environment for the exercise of this right.
  3. PI is a resilient, sustainable, responsive and transparent organisation: Our goal is to achieve this by stepping up our decentralisation efforts and undergoing an institutional strengthening process, investing in our people and putting them at the core of our operations.

We are determined to making significant and positive impacts by 2028, building our collective strength and power to continue delivering on our long-term mission.

“The next few years will be critical for rights defence across the world. It is of utmost importance to eliminate the barriers to the RDHR and address systemic issues that perpetuate violence and aggression against those who fight for social and environmental justice. Protection International is committed to be an even stronger ally and partner of HRDs and their collectives to rigorously engage with relevant stakeholders, so we can influence policies and contribute to a more enabling environment for the RDHR, and to continue to focus on our institutional strengthening to further evolve into an organisation that takes care of its own people as we work together to achieve our mission.”

Alice Nah, Chairperson of the PI Board of Directors and Mae Ocampo, Executive Director

We have also taken this opportunity to renew our brand identity. This is a statement of our renewed commitment to the right to defend human rights safely around the world. As we evolve, our visual identity and logo evolve with us.

Protection International stands for the right to defend human rights. By protecting HRDs, we are protecting your rights too.

Read PI’s Global Strategy Framework 2024-2028 “An Enabling Environment for the Right to Defend Human Rights”.

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