Search Results for: the Philippines

Search Results for: the Philippines

Protection International condemns HRD criminalisation in the Philippines

Like many other organizations, Protection International addressed a letter this morning to the President of the Philippines to express its deep concern and indignation regarding the increasing criminalization of human rights defenders in the Philippines and particularly the recent petition filed in court listing indigenous peoples’ leaders and human rights

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World Environment Day: to save the planet, we need to protect environmental human rights defenders. Here is how Protection International does it.

The triple planetary crisis encompassing climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss is a global reality with far-reaching consequences, including a negative impact on human rights. In the words of the United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, this crisis “threatens the well-being and survival of millions of people around the world”. The

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Our Approach

Overview Actionable Research Capacity Building Network & Alliance Building Advocacy Campaigns Ad-hoc Support Protection International works on the preventative protection of human rights defenders by carrying out the following activities: Actionable Research, Capacity Building, Network & Alliance Building, Advocacy, Positive Narratives, Campaigns and Ad-hoc Support (Services). Actionable research Main thematic

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Mae Ocampo

Mae Ocampo is a feminist woman human rights defender who began her activism at a young age, resisting land-grabbing and the impositions of powerful institutions with her local community in the Philippines. Over the past three decades, she has been involved in environmental justice and human rights work that focuses

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Human Rights Defenders Poetry Book

We are very proud to publish the Human Rights Defenders poetry book. This book is a result of the Human Rights Defenders Poetry Challenge, where we asked HRDs to tell us their stories and reflect on their struggles in defending human rights. The right to defend human rights is the

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Launch of the Human Rights Defenders Poetry Book

We are very proud to publish the Human Rights Defenders poetry book. This book is a result of the Human Rights Defenders Poetry Challenge, where we asked HRDs to tell us their stories and reflect on their struggles in defending human rights. The right to defend human rights is the

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Human Rights Defenders Poetry Challenge Finalists

Congratulations to all of the finalists! We received a total of 438 poems coming from artists and activists representing over 58 countries around the world–from Cameroon to Cuba, from Ecuador to Eswatini, and from Peru to the Philippines. We applaud all of the brilliant work by all those who have

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