HRDs being interviewed by journalists


[Guatemala] Statement on the Consultation Process and Threats against Xinka Human Rights Defenders

Guatemala, 28 March de 2019 The below-signed international organizations express our grave concern regarding the consultation process with Xinka authorities and communities. During the last few months, representatives of the Xinka People have denounced, despite the Constitutional Court resolution 4785-2017, that they have not been allowed to fully participate in the process of defining the […]

Collective Protection of Human Rights Defenders ǀ A collective approach to the right to defend human rights.

13/12/2018, [Brussels] Protection International launches its latest publication, Collective Protection of Human Rights Defenders ǀ A Collective Approach to the Right to Defend Human Rights, the flagship item of our global campaign #CommunitiesareHRDs. With the recent 20th anniversary of the UN declaration on Human Rights Defenders, much attention is currently focused on the indispensable work […]

#WHRDsDay | Protection International celebrates the launch of the Women Human Rights Defenders Quilt with Thai women HRDs and Canadian Ambassador to Thailand

20 December 2018, Bangkok – Protection International, together with the Canadian Ambassador to Thailand and 20 Thai women human rights defenders, celebrate today International Women Human Rights Defenders Day by launching the Women Human Rights Defenders Quilt, a craft and artistic project carried out by human rights defenders from Thailand accompanied by Protection International and […]

#ForThoseWhoDiedTrying & #ColombiaSomosComoTu – Protection International presents two exhibitions at the #HRDWorldSummit 2018

01/11/2018 – Protection International presented two exhibitions at the Human Rights Defenders World Summit 2018 in Paris (29-31 October 2018). Two different projects, from two different continents, but both advocating for peace, justice, and the right to defend human rights.  WE’RE LIKE YOU  The invisible fighting for land and life We’re Like You is an artistic project […]

PI participates in the International Seminar on Human Rights in Paraguay

03-04/10/2018 – Protection International, together with many other organizations working with human rights defenders, is participating in the III International Seminar in Paraguay “Mecanismos de protección para defensoras y defensores de derechos humanos: entre el compromiso y el riesgo” (“Protection mechanisms for human rights defenders: between commitment and risks”) from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. […]

Guatemalan indigenous communities file complaint for dams’ damages

Protection International supports the affected communities of the microregion Ixquisis, together with the Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA), the International Platform Against Impunity, Front Line Defenders and the Plurinational Ancestral Government of Q’anjob’al, Popti, Chuj and Akateko. The communities have filed a complaint to the Inter-American Development Bank for it to divest from Pojom […]

Protection International will participate in the international workshop “Protection of Human Rights Defenders: Good Practices and the Role of Italy”

11 June 2018 Protection International will participate in the international workshop “Protection of Human Rights Defenders: Good Practices and the Role of Italy”, which will take place in Rome on the 18th of June. Liliana de Marco Coenen, Executive Director of PI, will speak as a representative of civil society organizations. In addition, the workshop will also be attended […]

Women on the frontlines: How the closing space for civil society impacts women activists and sustainable development for women and girls

Brussels, 7 June 2018 “We need to change the narratives about the Human Rights Defenders”, said Liliana de Marco, director of Protection International, during the panel Woman on the Frontlines: How the Closing Space for civil society impacts women activists and Sustainable Development for Women and Girls, held last 6 June 2018  in the framework of the European […]