HRDs being interviewed by journalists


Women’s movements in the DR Congo: PI’s New Publication (FR, EN)

Report in FR, executive summary in EN – Rapport en français, résumé exécutif en anglais With the support of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the collaboration of SOFEPADI and the CFDDH, Protection International is proud to present its newest report on women’s movements in the DRC. This report is the result of a […]

New Publication on Strengthening the Inclusion, Protection and Wellbeing of Human Rights Defenders with Disabilities

This illustration shows an culturally diverse crowd of HRDs with disabilities, holding up signs saying "Nothing about us without us", "Leave no one behind", "Include disabled people in activism", and "we are people first!". The crowd is holding up a banner in front saying "Leave No One Behind" and at the front of the crowd there is a blind man with his guiding stick and a woman with a headscarf in a wheelchair.

“Human rights defenders with disabilities have great potential to transform the way human rights is understood and enacted. Their unique perspectives of their contexts, their creativity, their ways of navigating challenges and solving problems, enrich the way communities respond to human rights violations and violence.” Foreword by Gertrude Oforiwa Fefoame, Chair of UN Committee on […]

Une discussion collective sur le renforcement des capacités : Rejoignez notre recherche sur les pratiques de sécurité et de protection efficaces

Protection International a lancé une initiative de recherche innovante afin de recenser les pratiques de renforcement des capacités en matière de sécurité et de protection qui améliorent considérablement le travail quotidien et la protection des défenseur·e·s des droits humains (DDH). Nous nous adressons aux : Contribuer à la recherche de PI Si vous avez participé […]

Una conversación colectiva sobre fortalecimiento de capacidades: Únete a nuestra investigación sobre prácticas de seguridad y protección

Protection International lanzó una iniciativa de investigación innovadora para mapear prácticas de fortalecimiento de capacidades en seguridad y protección que mejoran significativamente el trabajo diario y la protección de personas defensoras de derechos humanos (DDH). Nos dirigimos a: Contribuye a la Investigación de PI Si has participado o respaldado estos esfuerzos de fortalecimiento de capacidades […]

A Collective Discussion on Capacity-Strengthening: Join Our Research on Impactful Security and Protection Practices

Protection International launched a groundbreaking research initiative to map out impactful capacity strengthening (formerly known as capacity-building) practices in security and protection that significantly enhance the daily work and protection of Human Rights Defenders (HRDs). We are reaching out to: Contribute to PI’s Research If you have engaged in or supported these capacity-strengthening efforts and […]

Comunicación comunitaria contra la desinformación y la estigmatización en Colombia

Diversas organizaciones sociales encuentran en la comunicación comunitaria o popular la forma para expresar sus opiniones frente a diversas realidades que viven, convirtiéndose ellas mismas en fuente primaria de información y agentes de cambio frente a la narrativa que se construye sobre la defensa de los Derechos Humanos. Así mismo, la comunicación comunitaria les ha […]

Position paper: “Towards a Safe and Enabling Environment for the Right to Defend Human Rights”

In recent years, the global landscape has witnessed a concerning erosion of democratic values and civil rights, which has resulted in human rights defenders (HRDs) facing increasing challenges. Factors such as rising authoritarianism and the influence of non-state entities have contributed to restricting civil society’s role in shaping societal affairs. In this position paper, Protection […]

The AHRI Bilbao Declaration: A critical review of the UN Declaration on HRDs

In early September, Protection International participated in the 2023 AHRI Conference, hosted by the University of Deusto. A key outcome was the later-issued AHRI Bilbao Declaration, which serves as a critical review of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders (HRDs), particularly spotlighting both its strengths and areas for improvement. This year is significant for […]

Combatting SLAPP Attacks in Thailand: How Protection International is making a difference

After four years of relentless advocacy and legal battles, a significant milestone has been reached in SLAPP Attacks in Thailand. Three cases of defamation and SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) against Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) were declared insubstantial, setting a precedent for future cases. This landmark decision marks a turning point in the […]