Refinement, Not Overhaul: External action in the next MFF – Joint position paper from 30 organizations

To effectively address global challenges, the EU must significantly increase its investment in external action in the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF)[1], in the context of a larger EU budget. In the push for greater simplification and flexibility in the MFF, the external action heading should be a positive example to others, having already undergone […]
Thailand: Immediately Repeal the Draft Act on Associations and Foundation 2024

The undersigned organisations express concern over the Thai Government’s recent attempt to pass the Draft Act on Associations and Foundations 2024, which, if adopted, would lead to violations of the right to freedom of association and further undermine democracy in the country. We call on the Thai Government and Parliament to scrap the Draft Act […]
Organizaciones internacionales aportan al diálogo de DDHH Colombia-Unión Europea

— English version below — Organizaciones Internacionales de la Sociedad Civil en su trabajo por Colombia expresan su agradecimiento por la invitación del Servicio de Acción Exterior de la Unión Europea para participar en la recolección de insumos e información con miras al Diálogo de Derechos Humanos entre Colombia y la Unión Europea (UE) que […]
La société civile congolaise sous pression : les membres du réseau EurAc alertent sur l’érosion de l’espace civique en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC)

— English version downloadable below — Le 17 mai 2024, Gloria Sengha, activiste politique et initiatrice du mouvement « Tolembi Pasi » était enlevée aux côtés de deux autres militants, Robert Bunda et Chadrack Tshadio[1]. Loin d’être un cas isolé, cette arrestation arbitraire s’ajoute à la longue liste d’actions liberticides, souvent violentes[2] et accompagnées d’actes […]
Déclaration du réseau EurAc sur la situation sécuritaire à l’Est de la République démocratique du Congo

En tant que réseau Europe-Afrique centrale (EurAc), nous représentons des organisations de solidarité internationale dont les sièges sont basés dans différents pays européens, et qui travaillent en partenariat direct avec des organisations de la société civile congolaise en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). Avec cette déclaration, nous souhaitons interpeller les responsables politiques sur la situation […]
A message from PI Africa’s new Regional Director: Phanice Odhacha

Esteemed friends and partners of Protection International, I am thrilled to announce that I have joined Protection International Africa (PIA) as the new Regional Director. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I joined PIA as a Protection and Advocacy officer in 2021 and grew to serve as Kenya Country Representative. I […]
Statement ahead of the Presidential and Legislative General Elections in Indonesia on 14 February 2024

Protection International (PI) is an international non-profit organisation. Our ethos is centred around people’s right to defend human rights safely and the protection of human rights defenders (HRDs). Ahead of the Presidential and Legislative General Elections in Indonesia on February 14 2024, Protection International calls on the Government of Indonesia and its state institutions to […]
DRC National Law: Challenges and Opportunities

Brussels, November 30, 2023 Statement In Africa and worldwide, an increasing number of countries are developing laws for the protection of human rights defenders (HRDs) and their right to defend human rights. We welcome such developments as an important first step in recognising the positive role HRDs play in promoting human rights, democratic values and […]
Joint Statement of the Caucus of Women Human Rights Defenders

International Women Human Rights Defenders Day November 29, 2023 “There is no democratic state without protection for women human rights defenders” The hashtag Indonesia is not okay is getting stronger in the civil society movement as a symbol of resistance in Indonesia, where there is increasingly high repression of civil liberties in expressing aspirations and […]
Joint Civil Society Statement Opposing Myanmar Junta Representatives’ Participation in the EU-ASEAN Human Rights Dialogue

All civil society groups participating in the on-going EU-ASEAN Civil Society Forum, including co-chairs International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and FORUM-Asia, and those who have decided to pull out from the process, including Protection International (PI), Human Rights Watch (HRW), and Front Line Defenders (FLD), wish to express their dismay at the invitation of […]