HRDs being interviewed by journalists


The Role of Civil Society Organisations During and in a Post-COVID-19 World

Human rights provide us with a sophisticated tool to guide responses during crises and social upheaval. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), adopted in 1948, was itself a response to half a century of turmoil: two world wars, a pandemic and economic depression. It drew on previous charters and aimed to provide a broad […]

49 organizations condemn attacks and threats against Afro-Colombian and indigenous leaders

International statement condemning attacks and threats against Afro-Colombian and indigenous leaders Brussels, 13 May 2019, The European organizations and networks who have signed this statement reject the murder attempt against leaders from Afro-Colombian collectives from the Cauca department ACONC, PCN, and ASOM and threats against the indigenous women’s organization Wayúu Women’s Strength (Fuerza de Mujeres […]

[Statement] 105 organizations from 25 countries co-sign statement on the assassination of Brazilian human rights defender Dilma Ferreira Silva

Statement on the Assassination of Dilma Ferreira Silva, leader of Brazil’s Movement of Dam-Affected Peoples (MAB) In the face of the brutal crime committed on March 22nd against a coordinator of the Movement of Dam-Affected Peoples in Brazil, the undersigned human rights and environmental organizations call on Brazilian authorities and multilateral organizations to ensure that […]

Protection International will participate in the international workshop “Protection of Human Rights Defenders: Good Practices and the Role of Italy”

11 June 2018 Protection International will participate in the international workshop “Protection of Human Rights Defenders: Good Practices and the Role of Italy”, which will take place in Rome on the 18th of June. Liliana de Marco Coenen, Executive Director of PI, will speak as a representative of civil society organizations. In addition, the workshop will also be attended […]

Protection International will participate in the international workshop “Protection of Human Rights Defenders: Good Practices and the Role of Italy”

11 June 2018 Protection International will participate in the international workshop “Protection of Human Rights Defenders: Good Practices and the Role of Italy”, which will take place in Rome on the 18th of June. Liliana de Marco Coenen, Executive Director of PI, will speak as a representative of civil society organizations. In addition, the workshop will also be attended […]