HRDs being interviewed by journalists


Urgent Alert: Attempted murder of SPFT community member

Authorities must act now to prevent another killing of land rights defenders and mitigate the serious death threats against members of the Southern Peasant Federation of Thailand (SPFT). Bangkok, 20 October 2020 – Protection International is issuing an urgent call to the government of Thailand to act and prevent another killing of land rights defenders […]

The Role of Civil Society Organisations During and in a Post-COVID-19 World

Human rights provide us with a sophisticated tool to guide responses during crises and social upheaval. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), adopted in 1948, was itself a response to half a century of turmoil: two world wars, a pandemic and economic depression. It drew on previous charters and aimed to provide a broad […]

49 organizations condemn attacks and threats against Afro-Colombian and indigenous leaders

International statement condemning attacks and threats against Afro-Colombian and indigenous leaders Brussels, 13 May 2019, The European organizations and networks who have signed this statement reject the murder attempt against leaders from Afro-Colombian collectives from the Cauca department ACONC, PCN, and ASOM and threats against the indigenous women’s organization Wayúu Women’s Strength (Fuerza de Mujeres […]

[Statement] 105 organizations from 25 countries co-sign statement on the assassination of Brazilian human rights defender Dilma Ferreira Silva

Statement on the Assassination of Dilma Ferreira Silva, leader of Brazil’s Movement of Dam-Affected Peoples (MAB) In the face of the brutal crime committed on March 22nd against a coordinator of the Movement of Dam-Affected Peoples in Brazil, the undersigned human rights and environmental organizations call on Brazilian authorities and multilateral organizations to ensure that […]

Protection International will participate in the international workshop “Protection of Human Rights Defenders: Good Practices and the Role of Italy”

11 June 2018 Protection International will participate in the international workshop “Protection of Human Rights Defenders: Good Practices and the Role of Italy”, which will take place in Rome on the 18th of June. Liliana de Marco Coenen, Executive Director of PI, will speak as a representative of civil society organizations. In addition, the workshop will also be attended […]