HRDs being interviewed by journalists


Pierre Claver urges the UN Human Rights Council to protect HRDS in Burundi

On Friday 4, 2016 at the 31st Session of the Human Rights Council, Pierre Claver Mbonimpa, President of APRODH read a statement urging the Human Rights Council to take measures to protect human rights defenders in Burundi. Joint statement by EHAHRDP, CIVICUS, and Protection International for  the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights […]

DRC: New legal framework for the protection of human rights defenders in South Kivu

On 10 February 2016, the Governor of South Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo promulgated an edict on the protection of human rights defenders and journalists in South Kivu. The vote and adoption of the edict by the Provincial Assembly of South Kivu, as well as the promulgation by the Governor of South Kivu, represent an important step […]

Burundi human rights crisis: a joint statement to the UN Human Rights Council

On  November 9th a group of 11 International NGOs, issued a joint statement to the UN Human Rights Council, calling for a special session of the Council to adopt a resolution in response to the rapidly deteriorating human rights situation in Burundi. Despite the efforts made by the international community to monitor and improve the human rights situation in the […]

Voices that cannot be silenced: Pierre Claver Mbonimpa speaks out on Burundi

Pierre Claver Mbonimpa, a leading Burundian Human Rights Defender (HRD), speaks about surviving an assassination attempt and the dangers facing activists in Burundi. On 3 August 2015, Pierre Claver Mbonimpa was shot in the face and neck as he returned home in his car from the office.  He survived the attack and is currently living […]

Update: Court Terminates Last Case against Kenyan Human Rights Defender Joel Ogada

On Monday 21 September 2015, a Malindi court terminated a case in which the Kenyan Human Rights Defender (HRD) Joel Ogada had been charged with forcible detainer under section 91 of the Criminal Procedure Code in 2013. The case has not proceeded due to lack of witnesses. When the matter came up for hearing, the prosecutor indicated he could not […]

Update: Kenyan Human Rights Defender Joel Ogada Released from Prison

Kenyan Human Rights Defender (HRD) Joel Ogada was finally released on Wednesday 16th September 2015, exactly sixteen (16) months since he was convicted of arson on 16th May 2014. Mr. Ogada, a farmer in the Marereni area of Kilifi County, off the Kenyan Coast, was sentenced to seven (7) years’ imprisonment. This sentence was reduced to two […]

Women Who Defend Human Rights – Irene Petras

The human rights record of Zimbabwe is a tainted one. Despite challenges, Zimbabwe has a dedicated human rights community, Irene Petras tells us. Irene is the Executive Director of Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR). She tells us about the context in which human rights defenders must work in Zimbabwe. Irene joined ZLHR in 2002 and has […]

Protection Journal #4: Protecting your life, my life, our lives

This manual focuses on the work and the protection of women human rights defenders and is the fruit of reflexion and testimonies that they have shared with us over years of experience. Available in English and Spanish. The Protection Manual number 4, from the series published by UDEFEGUA and PI, is dedicated to the defenders. […]

Burundi: PI participates with the National Independent Human Rights Commission (CNIDH) to support the protection of human rights defenders

Burundi: The National Independent Human Rights Commission (CNIDH) invited Protection International to a roundtable to discuss the issues affecting HRDs in the country and to analyze the contents of a draft public law to protect HRDs, prepared by the CNIDH. Protection International contributed by sharing its expertise in the following areas: • Provide details of similar legislative processes […]