HRDs being interviewed by journalists


Déclaration du réseau EurAc sur la situation sécuritaire à l’Est de la République démocratique du Congo

En tant que réseau Europe-Afrique centrale (EurAc), nous représentons des organisations de solidarité internationale dont les sièges sont basés dans différents pays européens, et qui travaillent en partenariat direct avec des organisations de la société civile congolaise en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). Avec cette déclaration, nous souhaitons interpeller les responsables politiques sur la situation […]

DRC National Law: Challenges and Opportunities

Brussels, November 30, 2023 Statement In Africa and worldwide, an increasing number of countries are developing laws for the protection of human rights defenders (HRDs) and their right to defend human rights. We welcome such developments as an important first step in recognising the positive role HRDs play in promoting human rights, democratic values and […]

PI organises a Regional Conference on Public Policies for HRDs in Nairobi

In an era marked by the global constriction of civic space, Protection International (PI) is taking a significant step towards the right to defend human rights for human rights defenders (HRDs) in the Great Lakes Region. On the 11th, 12th, and 13th of October, we are organizing a Regional Conference on Public Policies for HRDs […]

Main Takeaways from PI’s Webinar on Public Policies for HRDs in Africa

On Thursday, 27 July 2023, Protection International (PI) hosted the online webinar on public policies “Laws to Protect Human Rights Defenders in West Africa and the Great Lakes Region: Are they fit for purpose? What else is needed?” Five regional public policy experts participated as panelists, including Marthe Coulibaly, Director of the Coalition Ivoirienne des […]

Open letter regarding ongoing harassment, criminalization, human rights abuses, and deforestation in the Ekuri forest

As representatives from Indigenous Peoples, civil society, scientific agencies, and community-based organizations around the world, Protection International Africa (PIA) joins the open letter regarding ongoing harassment, criminalization, human rights abuses, and deforestation in the Ekuri Forest, Nigeria. Environmental and human rights defenders from the Indigenous Ekuri community have been peacefully resisting deforestation on their lands, […]

Protection International Africa Keeps Sharing Knowledge and Reinforcing Capacities For Individuals and Collectives Who Work to Defend Human Rights

group of people holding a banner

West African defenders promoting narratives for the right to defend human rights On April 12 and 13, Protection International Africa in conjunction the West African Human Rights Defenders Network (WAHRDN) conducted a Narratives workshop for 16 Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) collectives from 16 countries in West Africa.  The HRDs assessed the dominant narratives in the […]