HRDs being interviewed by journalists


Missing Voices 2022 Report: Accountability Now

Missing Voices is a coalition of organizations that together -including with the help of Protection International in Africa- have been documenting cases of police killings and enforced disappearances in a bid to understand the underlying causes of killings. The final aim is to end atrocities and claim justice for the families of the victims. In […]

Rwanda: Questionable Trial After Journalist’s Death

15 March, 2023 86 organizations reiterate the call for an independent investigation Rwandan authorities must allow an independent, impartial, and effective investigation into the death of the Rwandan journalist John Williams Ntwali, 86 civil society organizations and media associations said today, reiterating a 31 January appeal. A credible process should be carried out given the […]

Pathway to A Feminist International Corporate Accountability Framework

person standing in front of a forrest with palm trees

The report – Pathway to A Feminist International Corporate Accountability Framework – published by ActionAid, ACCA, ACT Alliance, AWID, FIDA Uganda, Plataforma Internacional contra la Impunidad, Protection International, ISHR, IWRAW Asia Pacific, and ZELA aims to inspire further action and sets out next steps achieve such a feminist framework. Women around the world continue to […]

Statement calling for the renewal of the Special Rapporteur’s Mandate on Burundi

To Permanent Representatives of Member and Observer States of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council (Geneva, Switzerland) 18 August 2022 Burundi: Extend the Special Rapporteur’s mandate Excellencies, At the 48th session of the UN Human Rights Council, in October 2021, the Council established a special procedure on Burundi. The new Special Rapporteur mandate includes […]

The Beni military court annuls sentence for the 13 LUCHA human rights defenders

The Beni military court annuls the sentence for the 13 LUCHA human rights defenders Protection International (PI) and Protection International Africa (PIA) welcome the decision of the military court of North Kivu, DR Congo, to annul the sentence of 13 human rights defenders (HRDs) of the citizen movement Lutte pour le changement “LUCHA” in an […]

13 LUCHA defenders sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment for peaceful protest – a stain on the rule of law so highly praised by the authorities in the DR Congo.

JOINT STATEMENT 01 April 2022 We, the signatory organizations, deplore the unfounded and unjust condemnation of the thirteen human rights defenders (HRDs) of the LUCHA by the Beni Garrison Military Court. Today, 1 April 2022, 13 human rights defenders from the LUCHA movement were sentenced to 12 months in prison by the Beni Garrison Military […]

Solidarity Statement with HEDA Resource Centre, Nigeria

Nairobi, 4 April 2022 We, the undersigned pan-African and international human rights organisations, are deeply concerned about the latest attacks against human rights defenders (HRDs) in Nigeria, and Africa. On the night of 28 March 2022, five armed men forcibly entered the home of Mr Olanrewaju Suraju, the Chairman of the Human and Environmental Development […]

Self-protection Strategies Implemented by Grassroots WHRDs in Kenya

Protection International Kenya launches a new report Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) are targeted for who they are and as a result of their work defending human rights. Many economic, social, cultural, and geographical factors affect how WHRDs experience human rights violations, which are all connected to gender and gender expression within society. These factors […]

A one-month delay in the verdict of the 13 LUCHA defenders– release them now

9 March 2022 – We, the undersigned organizations, express our dismay that the Beni Garrison Military Tribunal has not yet announced a verdict in the case of the 13 LUCHA human rights defenders (HRDs) from Beni, North Kivu. According to legal statutes, this verdict was due within 30 days of the final court hearing, by […]