25 years of regulations for the protection of human rights defenders in Colombia
It has been 25 years since the first protection mechanism for people at risk due to armed conflict (December 1997) was introduced. This law is the first national policy worldwide applicable to the protection of human rights defenders. For this occasion, Protection International (PI) produced this infographic, compiling the existing national regulations concerning the protection […]
[Spanish] Mujeres indígenas y cambio climático: juntanza de saberes para la protección de la Orinoquía colombiana
[English translation bellow] El cambio climático es una realidad global, de la que no escapan las mujeres indígenas de La Primavera en el departamento del Vichada en Colombia. El cambio climático está impactando sus formas de vida, su relación con su cuerpo, con su territorio y con sus prácticas culturales y ancestrales. Ante esta realidad, […]
[Spanish] Monitoreo sobre la situación del deber estatal de garantizar el ejercicio de defensa de los derechos humanos en municipios guatemaltecos
[English text bellow] En la actualidad, la defensa de los derechos humanos en Guatemala atraviesa una de sus peores crisis desde los procesos de transición democrática y acuerdos de paz de inicios de la década de los noventa. Las amenazas, ataques físicos y en redes sociales, sumada a la criminalización indebida contra operadores/as de justicia […]
Report from international platforms and organizations on the human rights situation in Colombia (2018 – 2022) for the 2023 Universal Periodic Review
El presente informe sombra ha sido preparado por una coalición ad hoc de 67 organizaciones internacionales en el marco del cuarto Examen Periódico Universal (EPU) a Colombia que tendrá lugar a lo largo del 2023. Fue entregado el 1° de marzo 2023 a la Oficina del Alto Comisionado para los Derechos Humanos en el marco […]
[Spanish] ¡Segunda temporada de Defendemos Podcast!
Alzamos nuestra voz por la defensa de los derechos humanos ¡Segunda temporada de Defendemos Podcast! Para cerrar el 2022 con broche de oro, desde Protección Internacional (PI) en Colombia y VerdadAbierta.com regresamos con una nueva temporada de Defendemos Podcast, un espacio de reflexión y construcción desde las voces de las lideresas, líderes sociales y personas […]
The gender perspective in the protection of women human rights defenders – the experiences of Mexico and Honduras.
Protection International, JASS and CEJIL come together in this publication to deepen understanding of the gender perspective and violence against women human rights defenders and to demand effective action from states. This publication aims to identify how the gender perspective has been incorporated into practices, strategies, regulations and programmes for the protection of human rights […]
Concern about the harassment, surveillance, and likely attempted murder of the lawyer and defender of the Peoples’ Front in Defense of Land and Water
Joint Declaration by: Peace Brigades International – PBI Mexico;World Organization Against Torture (OMCT) and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH),in the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders; Protection International Mesoamerica; Taula per Mèxic (Barcelona); Front line Defenders;Swedish Movement for Reconciliation – SweFOR; Amnesty International. Concern about the harassment, surveillance, […]
Pathway to A Feminist International Corporate Accountability Framework
The report – Pathway to A Feminist International Corporate Accountability Framework – published by ActionAid, ACCA, ACT Alliance, AWID, FIDA Uganda, Plataforma Internacional contra la Impunidad, Protection International, ISHR, IWRAW Asia Pacific, and ZELA aims to inspire further action and sets out next steps achieve such a feminist framework. Women around the world continue to […]
Letter for the New President and Vice President of Colombia to Guarantee an Environment Free of Violence for HRDs
Mr Gustavo Francisco Petro Urrego President of the Republic of Colombia Mrs Francia Elena Márquez Vice-President of the Republic of Colombia Dear President Petro and Vice-President Márquez: The undersigned national and international organisations congratulate you on beginning your roles as President and Vice-President of the Republic of Colombia. Your presidency offers a new, hard-won opportunity […]
Celebrating 10 Years of Struggle and Resistance at La Puya
To the communities of San José de Golfo and San Pedro Ayampuc, We wish to express our congratulations this March 2 for your 10 years of brave peaceful resistance in defense of water, life, and community health and against mining and the Progreso VII Derivada project, owned by U.S. mining company Kappes, Cassiday & Associates […]