HRDs being interviewed by journalists


[Thailand] PI and Enlaw Foundation coordinated for UNOHCHR visit to KhonRakKroksomboon Group

PI and Enlaw Foundation coordinated for UN OHCHR visit to the Khon Rak Kroksomboon Group   Environmental human rights defender under the physical threats and judicial harassment in Prachinburi Province On 23-24 July 2020, representatives from the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Regional Office for South East Asia visited […]

Human Rights Defender Sumeth Rainpongnam vows to keep struggling for clean air and water, despite risking his life and facing a 50-million-baht lawsuit

Mr Sumeth Rainpongnam, a 48-year-old farmer, and the Khon Rak Kroksomboon group are upholding their community’s right to a safe environment, despite violence and a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP) Bangkok, 13th July 2020 – Although the latest attempt at mediation made by the Prachin Buri Court, last Wednesday (8th July 2020), yielded no […]

Southern Peasant Federation of Thailand (SPFT) opposes ill-conceived land rights policy, calls on realistic allocation of land to achieve sustainable livelihood for the landless

On 26-27 June 2020, the Southern Peasant Federation of Thailand discussed land rights issues with the Parliamentary Committee on Land Issues and Land Deeds, led by Sathit Wongnongtoei, during its official visit to the province of Surat Thani. Bangkok 3 July 2020 – The Southern Peasant Federation of Thailand (SPFT) – one of Protection International’s […]

An Open Letter to the Organizers of the United Nations Virtual Forum on Business and Human Rights: New Challenges. New Approaches, Asia and the Pacific, to be held on June 9 -11, 2020

–    the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights  (UNWG); –    the United  Nations  Development  Programme (UNDP); –    the International  Labour Organization  (ILO); –    the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF); –    the United  Nations  Entity  for  Gender Equality  and  the  Empowerment  of  Women  (UN  Women) and, –    The United  Nations  Economic  and  Social Commission […]

[Thailand] Women and Men Human Rights Defenders win a court case against Thai Ministry of Industry for unlawful granting of mining concessions.

Earth Day 2020: Anti-mining Women and Men Human Rights Defenders win a court case against the Thai Ministry of Industry for unlawful granting of mining concessions. Bangkok, 22 April 2020 Community-based Women and Men Human Rights Defenders (W/HRDs) from the anti-mining community Rak Ban Haeng Group in Lampang Province, northern Thailand, won a crucial court […]

[Thailand] COVID-19: Reality is Twice as Harsh Now for Disabled Women Defending Human Rights

Brussels/Bangkok/Chian Mai, 21 April 2020. In low and middle-income countries, such as Thailand, up to three-quarters of people with disabilities are women and girls. They face constant barriers to meaningful participation and inclusion in social settings, especially in the workplace and in decision-making roles within their families and their communities. These exclusions, barriers, and discrimination […]

The right to defend under COVID-19: The voice of a Thai woman human rights defender

Brussels, 8 April 2020 The right to defend human rights is severely affected by COVID-19, especially for rural and indigenous communities of defenders. Taking Thailand as a case in point, Protection International interviewed Yupin Saja, an indigenous woman human rights defender from the Rak Lahu (Love Lahu) group, on her life under COVID-19. “Here food […]

16th Year of Somchai’s Disappearance Committed to Memory: the Disappeared and Those They Left Behind

On 11 March 2020, the Neelapaijit Family, Amnesty International  Thailand, Cross-Cultural Foundation, Human Rights Lawyer Association, International Commission of Jurists, Protection International, and UN Human Rights Office for South-East Asia, with the support of the European Union, will co-host an exhibition featured personal belongings of those who disappeared or went missing, followed by a public […]