HRDs being interviewed by journalists


Honduran Environmental Hrds Visit Brussels

This week two human rights and environmental defenders from COPINH (Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras) will be visiting Brussels. Afterwards, the Indigenous Lenca activists will tour five European countries to demand justice for the murder of their leader Berta Cáceres, call on involved European companies to withdraw indefinitely from the Agua […]


Brussels, 16 May 2013. Protection International (PI) is pleased to release a new version of FOCUS 2013. Public Policies for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders: the State of the Art. It includes a preface written by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders, Margaret Sekaggya. According to Luis Enrique Eguren, President of […]

Pi Offers an Internship in the Programme Direction Unit (Brussels)

Protection International team is currently offering an internship in the Programme Direction Unit in its Head Office in Brussels, Belgium. Programme Direction runs field programmes in Asia, Africa and Latin-America. Colleagues in the field form small hubs of expertise in protecting human rights defenders (Protection Desks) and work with local civil society and other public actors […]