The Colombian State must Prevent Aggressions Against Indigenous Communities of the CRIC and other Participants of the Protests
The international NGOs subscribing to this statement express their concern for the acts of armed violence against the communities of the Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca – CRIC, who participated in the protests that took place yesterday in the city of Cali. On repeated occasions, armed men have fired weapons from pick-up trucks against members […]
Civil Society Organisations Urge the Colombian Government to Guarantee the Right to Peaceful Public Assembly and Demonstration
International civil society organisations urge the Colombian government to guarantee the right to peaceful public assembly and demonstration, which is enshrined in the Political Constitution of Colombia, and to protect the lives of those who exercise it [Bogotá, 3 May 2021] The peaceful marches that have been carried out by Colombian citizens in many cities […]
What do we mean by collective protection?
What do we mean by collective protection and what are its main elements? In the infographic below, we share the key concepts that are needed to better understand collective protection. What is it? Who constitutes a collective of human rights defenders? What are their approaches? And what are some examples within the Colombian context? Protection […]
The Right to Defend Human Rights During COVID-19
Within the framework of the social, economic and public health emergency of the COVID-19 pandemic, Protection International Colombia created the following guidebook aimed at human rights defenders and their communities within the country. This guide contains relevant information and basic recommendations for addressing the risks faced by human rights defenders and communities, which are intensified […]
Research Reveals Systematic Patterns in the Murder of Human Rights Defenders in Colombia
[31 March 2021] The Interchurch Commission for Justice and Peace, the organizations Fundación Forjando Futuros and Somos Defensores, the Institute of Studies for Development and Peace (Indepaz), and the Colombian Commission of Jurists—with the support of Protection International, OXFAM and DIAKONIA—presented the preliminary finding of research that points to the existence of systematic patterns in […]
International Civil Society Organisations Reject the Murder of Indigenous Leader María Bernarda Juajibioy
International Civil Society Organisations reject the murder of Indigenous leader María Bernarda Juajibioy and urge the Colombian State to take specific actions to protect the lives of the Indigenous peoples of Putumayo who are at risk of extermination [Bogota, 23 March 2021] Six days after the session of the Territorial Table of Guarantees for the […]
Risk Diagnostic of the Situation of Indigenous Human Rights Defenders in Vichada, Colombia
On 4 March, Protection International Colombia joined together with the Corporación Claretiana Norman Pérez Bello, the communities of the El Trompillo Settlement, and the indigenous Resguardos of La Llanura and La Pascua in the municipality of La Primavera to present a risk diagnostic named “Canaleteando juntos y juntas la defensa de lo nuestro: a look […]
Collective Protection: Conversations with Human Rights Defenders in Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala and Honduras
Report on discussions concerning the collective protection of individuals and communities that are defenders of human, environmental, and territorial rights In 2020, Protection International-PI, the Associação de Advogados de Trabalhadores Rurais- AATR (Brazil), the Centro de Estudos e Ação Social-CEAS (Brazil) and the Coordenadoria Ecumênica de Serviço – CESE (Brazil), organized four virtual conversations to […]
[Spanish] Protección colectiva: conversaciones con personas defensoras de derechos humanos en Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala y Honduras
To read the English article, follow the link. Memorias de cuatro conversatorios sobre la protección colectiva a personas y colectividades defensoras de los derechos humanos, ambientales y territoriales En 2020, las organizaciones Protection International (PI) con su trabajo en Brasil; la Associação de Advogados de Trabalhadores Rurais- AATR (Brasil); el Centro de Estudos e Ação […]
[Public Statement] We Support the Call in favor of the United Nations Global Humanitarian Agreement and UN Mission in Colombia’s Call for a Ceasefire and We Ask for the Protection of the Lives of All Vulnerable People amid the COVID-19 pandemic
Bogota, April 3, 2020. The International Civil Society Organizations that subscribe to this communiqué identify in the unilateral ceasefire ordered by the ELN starting on April 1, 2020, and in the reactivation of the figure of the peace managers (gestores de Paz) by the government of Ivan Duque, a possibility to return to the path […]