Refinement, Not Overhaul: External action in the next MFF – Joint position paper from 30 organizations

To effectively address global challenges, the EU must significantly increase its investment in external action in the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF)[1], in the context of a larger EU budget. In the push for greater simplification and flexibility in the MFF, the external action heading should be a positive example to others, having already undergone […]
From Kinshasa to Berlin and Brussels: PI’s Efforts to Support HRDs in the DRC

Amid a very concerning escalation of the violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the situation of human rights defenders (HRDs) also remains alarming. The space for civil society to defend human rights is shrinking and local voices denounce that the Congolese authorities not only fail to protect defenders, but in some cases also […]
We call on the future European Parliament and Commission to adopt an EU-wide Civil Society Strategy and an Agreement on Civil Dialogue

2024 European elections are a key opportunity to turn the tide of shrinking civil society space and limited civil dialogue all over Europe, and call on the new European Parliament and Commission to commit to concrete steps for a better recognition, protection and engagement of civil society. PI joins a broad number of civil society […]
PI Supported HRDs Action in Geneva Calling to Update the UN Declaration on HRDs on its 25th Anniversary

On September 18, Protection International (PI) supported a diverse assembly of Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) and civil society organizations who convened at Place des Nations in Geneva, right across from the United Nations. The gathering served as a symbol of unity, as attendees collectively held a banner that celebrated the right to defend human rights […]
The AHRI Bilbao Declaration: A critical review of the UN Declaration on HRDs

In early September, Protection International participated in the 2023 AHRI Conference, hosted by the University of Deusto. A key outcome was the later-issued AHRI Bilbao Declaration, which serves as a critical review of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders (HRDs), particularly spotlighting both its strengths and areas for improvement. This year is significant for […]
AHRI Conference 2023: Our commitment to advance the defense of Human Rights

Protection International had an active role in the 2023 International Conference of the Association of Human Rights Institutions (AHRI), hosted by the University of Deusto. The event took place the first week of September in Bilbao, Spain. Themed “Human Rights Defenders under Siege,” the conference served as a critical platform for dialogue between human rights […]
EU Foreign Interference Law: Is Civil Society at Risk?

Protection International is joining Civil Society Europe and other 230 civil society organisations (CSO) from across Europe to express concern and opposition to a proposed EU Foreign Interference Law which would create a register of Foreign Funded organisations. This legislation could have unintended negative consequences, hindering CSOs’ ability to fulfill their role as defenders of […]
Joint Public Statement: The EU should prioritize human rights in deepening relations with LAC

April 17, 2023 Originally published on the EULAT Network website. Joint Public Statement is available to download in English and Spanish. “Human rights should lie at the centre of the forthcoming Joint Communication and of EU-LAC relations, mainstreamed across all issues and countries, not only as one of the multiple priorities.” Ahead of the Joint […]
AHRI Conference: Human Rights Defenders under Siege

In commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders, and in the framework of the Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI), the Pedro Arrupe Institute of Human Rights of the University of Deusto is organizing the next Annual AHRI Network Conference, that will take place between 7 and 9 September 2023, […]
Interview with Board Member Mahmoud AbuRahma

INTERVIEW WITH MAHMOUD ABURAHMA European Network Against Racism (ENAR), member of Protection International’s Board To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Protection International (PI) interviewed Mahmoud AbuRahma, currently serving as Programme and Donor Relations Manager at the European Network Against Racism (ENAR), as well as a member of PI’s Board. In […]