HRDs being interviewed by journalists


Ending Gag Lawsuits in Europe: Protecting Democracy and Fundamental Rights

Protecting Democracy and Fundamental Rights Find the PDF version of this paper here. The problem: gag lawsuits against public interest defenders The EU must end gag lawsuits used to silence individuals and organizations that hold those in positions of power to account. Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPP) are lawsuits brought forward by powerful actors […]

2019 in a Nutshell: Protection International Releases its Focus Stories

How to summarise a year spent day by day next to those promoting and protecting human rights? Our Focus Stories, formerly Top Impact stories, showcase some emblematic examples of how slowly but steadily we are taking incremental steps towards greater respect for the right to defend human rights. Within this short leaflet, we’ve highlighted just […]

Women Human Rights Defenders at Risk Carry Out Advocacy Actions in Europe to Explain Their Cases and Show the Current Human Rights Situation in Guatemala

Representatives from the Peaceful Resistance of the Microregion of Ixquisis and the Peaceful Resistance of Santa Rosa, Jalapa, and Jutiapa, a movement representing the Xinka indigenous people affected by extractive projects, have just concluded a European tour. The defenders carried out advocacy and awareness-raising activities, presenting to both European citizens and decision-makers their cases, ones […]

[Press release] String Quartets Take a Stand for Human Rights Defenders

Social media campaign #music4HRDs spread around the globe as quartets video themselves performing a piece dedicated to an HRD who has been murdered or abducted 16/11/2018 – Brussels, BE: In conjunction with today’s release of the string quartet album For Those Who Died Trying and leading up to the United Nations’s World Human Rights Day […]

UN complaint procedures for HRDs: opportunities and limits | PI’s discussion & coffee break | Brussels – 17/09/2018

06/09/2018 – Protection International invites you to its discussion & coffee break on UN complaint procedures for HRDs: opportunities and limits, which will take place next Monday 17 September, at the office of Protection International in Brussels. UN complaint procedures for human rights defenders: opportunities and limits BRUSSELS – MONDAY 17/09/2018 – 14.00-15.30 11, RUE DE […]

Protection International and other CSOs support #IDefendRights to change the narrative about Human Rights Defenders

Brussels, 4 July 2018 Protection International supports #IDefendRights, a new project launched by the Norwegian Human Rights Fund and MEMRIA, that aims to collect Human Rights Defenders’ experiences on working on the front lines defending the rights of others.  Protection International endorses this initiative which, as well as its global campaign #CommunitiesareHRDs, pretends to shift the narrative about […]