HRDs being interviewed by journalists


Drop #LexNGO2018 – We stand in solidarity with civil society in Hungary!

Over 250 organizations and platforms from all over the world have signed a letter expressing their grave concern over the shrinking space for civil society in Hungary: On 13 February 2018, the Hungarian government tabled to Parliament a proposed legislative pack of three laws, commonly referred to as “Stop Soros”. The newly proposed legislation would […]

Human Rights Defenders Under Attack!

[Article first published by IHD Human Rights Association] Last update: 6 July 2017 On 5 July 2017, police raided an Istanbul Büyükada hotel where a group of human rights defenders had gathered to conduct a training session. As a result, 9 members of some of the leading human rights organizations in Turkey were detained, along with […]

Joint Statement: Human Rights Defenders Are Not Criminals

Brussels, November 29, 2016 – “Human rights defenders worldwide are regularly subjected to harassment and trumped-up criminal charges aiming at paralyzing, intimidating and delegitimizing their human rights activities. They face difficulties carrying out their work in increasingly restrictive legislative and administrative environments denying the right to freedoms of association, expression, and peaceful assembly. Licences of human […]


Protection International opened the photo exhibition, ‘For those who died trying’ on the Place des Nations in Geneva on Monday, 9 May 2016. The exhibition ran from 9-11 May and presented the photographs of 37 murdered or abducted human rights defenders in Thailand. ‘For those who died trying’ will tour Thailand and various countries in Europe […]

HRDs demand justice for Berta Caceres in front of the Honduran embassy in Brussels

“Today, we say that Berta hasn’t died. The murderers were wrong. She lives.” Bertha Zúñiga A demonstration was held on April 20th in front of the Honduran embassy in Brussels in order to call justice for the murders of world-renowned activist and Goldman Environmental Prize winner Berta Cáceres – leader of Lenca Indigenous group COPINH – and her colleague Nelson Garcia but […]

Honduran Environmental Hrds Visit Brussels

This week two human rights and environmental defenders from COPINH (Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras) will be visiting Brussels. Afterwards, the Indigenous Lenca activists will tour five European countries to demand justice for the murder of their leader Berta Cáceres, call on involved European companies to withdraw indefinitely from the Agua […]