HRDs being interviewed by journalists


PI co-launches new year-long campaign: Stand 4 Human Rights Defenders

9 November 2015, Brussels – Protection International, as part of the Human Rights and Democracy Network (HRDN), is pleased to co-launch today a year-long campaign: Stand 4 Human Rights Defenders. Learn more about this important initiative below, which among its objectives aims for a renewed EU commitment to making the protection of human rights defenders (HRDs) a key […]

A must-read on HRD protection: a new Special Issue of the International Journal of Human Rights

New research on human rights defenders protection has just been published in a Special Issue of the International Journal of Human Rights. This special issue features papers from PI’s Board members Alice Nah, Luis Enrique Eguren Fernandez, and Champa Patel. This is the second collection of papers to come from the research initiative between Amnesty International, the Centre for Applied […]

European Parliament adopts resolution on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law in Thailand.

Today 8th Oct, in a plenary session, MEPs discussed and voted on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law in Thailand. The European Parliament expresses its concern at the “deteriorating human rights situation in Thailand following the illegal coup of May 2014” and urges the Thai authorities to lift repressive restrictions on the right to liberty and the peaceful […]

Curso online de PI “Gestión de la seguridad y protección para defensores y defensoras de derechos humanos y organizaciones sociales”

We are pleased to announce the opening of the registration for the online course “Security and Protection Management for Human Rights Defenders and Social Organisations” mainly addressed to NGOs, social organizations, and persons interested in the security work for HRD, their organizations, and/or communities. Why take this course? Education and training for Human Rights Defenders is a broad subject with […]

Cambodia: 40 International Rights Organizations urge withdrawal of Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations

On July 6th, 40 International Rights Organizations, issued a joint statement to the Prime Minister of Cambodia urging the Government to withdraw the draft Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations (LANGO) that will be voted on July 10th. If approved, the Law would seriously damage the ability of many associations, NGOs, and community-based advocacy movements, to work effectively in Cambodia, giving […]

Civil Society comments on the EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy (2015-2019)

HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS (HRDs) (Actions 9 and 10) The European External Action Service shared with civil society the 28 April 2015 Joint Communication by the European Commission and the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy for the elaboration of a new Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy for […]

The Women Who Defend Human Rights – Mary Jane Real

PI: Can you tell us a bit about how you have become a woman human rights defender? MJR:  Well, I´ve been active in defense of human rights and women´s rights since I was a student. The more I became aware of how gender inequality impacted my personal and professional life, the more I became involved […]

Volunteer Opportunity: Translators

Volunteer Opportunity at Protection International: Translators  Protection International is seeking experienced translators to help make our materials on protection for human rights defenders available to a larger audience. Our current translation needs to require French and Spanish translators, as well as Thai and Bahasa translators. We hope to offer our materials in additional languages soon. Specific language, word count, and type of materials (i.e. […]

Security and protection management for human rights defenders and social organisations

PI online training course Summary Designed for: NGOs, social organisations and individuals. Duration: 60 hours over 12 weeks (approximately 5 hours per week) (2 February-27 April 2015) Online Distance learning course (using Moodle) Hosted by PI training staff (protection experts with extensive training experience in many countries). Why take this course? Education and training for […]