HRDs being interviewed by journalists


Protection International listed as one of the World’s Top 10 Human Rights Organisations

This February 13, Protection International was listed as one of the World’s Top 10 Human Rights Organisations. The listing published by FUNDSFORNGOS and written by Ambreen Muzaffar highlighted the work done by Amnesty International, Global Rights, Human Rights Watch, International Committee of the Red Cross, International Federation for Human Rights, Norwegian Refugee Council, Refugees International, […]

Protection International Hosted Roundtable on National Public Policies for the Protection of Defenders at the 15th EU-NGO Forum on Human Rights

Brussels, 11 December 2013. On 5 and 6 December 2013, the European Union held the 15th EU-NGO forum on Human Rights in Brussels. The event addressed the overarching theme of “accountability” regarding two interrelated topics: 1) the fight against impunity; and 2) accountability for economic, social, and cultural rights (ESCR) violations. Protection International (PI) is proud to have […]


Today, 29th November marks the eighth anniversary of International Women’s Human Rights Defenders Day. A landmark UN resolution on protecting WHRDs, passed this week, urges States to put in place gender-specific laws and policies for the protection of WHRDs and to ensure that defenders themselves are involved in the design and implementation of these measures. […]

Quotes from the Platform : DIY*, then we come and assist !

“When I come to countries, I regularly get asked “what can you do for us?” says Maina Kiai, UN Special Rapporteur for the Freedom of Assembly and Association, telling about his encounters with human rights defenders at risk around the world. The Special Rapporteur tells the 7th Front Line’s Dublin Platform for Human Rights Defenders his default answer: “I cannot […]

Annual Report 2013

In 2013, Protection International (PI) continued to support the work of Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) across the world and help make their environments safer. The following Annual Report gives concrete examples of PI’s work throughout the world in 2013, but specifically focused on capacity building, research projects, working with duty bearers on the development of national public policies protecting HRDs and ensuring the implementation of existing protection policies for […]

Protection International Participates in Project to Promote the Protection of Defenders in Osce/odihr Countries

The Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) has recently embarked on an ambitious project to promote the effective protection of human rights defenders (HRDs) in its 57 participating States from Europe, Central Asia and North America. Protection International (PI) was invited along with 24 other […]

Salvagente, Sacrifice and Security

“There’s this streak of sacrifice in our culture” says Davide Zaveri, coordinator of the Salvagente project in Italy. “We Italians first focus on helping others in need – and need to overcome this reflex before we start thinking of our own security.”  The Salvagente (‘Lifejacket’) project overcomes this reflex. It invited Protection International to Turin […]