21 Principles for Implementing the Risk Approach
Guidance for States on how to more efficaciously protect human rights defenders [Brussels] 26 January 2021.- Today, we are proud to publish the Risk Analysis and Protection Plan Principles, otherwise known as the “Risk Approach Recommendations”, which were created in collaboration with over 65 human rights defenders and experts from around the world to push […]
2020 Focus Stories
A lot can change in a year, and 2020 has been unprecedented for Protection International— both in terms of challenges and innovation. The sudden outburst of COVID-19 has had a direct impact on all parts of society, as well as on our personal lives. It has not only added onto the usual struggles within our […]
15 años desde la creación del enfoque de riesgo para la protección: evaluación de sus logros y limitaciones
Expertos se reúnen en consulta virtual para evaluar la eficacia de este método y elaborar un conjunto de estándares mínimos para la protección de personas defensoras Vea la grabación del webinar para aprender sobre la importancia de utilizar el enfoque de riesgo cuando se trata de la protección de las personas defensoras de derechos […]
15 Years of the Risk Approach for Protection: Evaluating Successes and Shortcomings
Experts gather in online consultation to assess the effectiveness of this method and produce a set of minimum standards for the protection of HRDs In 2005, researchers from Protection International first conceptualized the idea of applying the risk approach for women and men human rights defenders (HRDs) and, subsequently, elaborated the first Manual on this […]
Taking Care of Us – A Guide for the Collective Protection of Human Rights Defenders in Rural Areas (2020)
Protection International presents the third edition of the publication “Taking Care of Us”, a methodology developed by our team at Protection International Mesoamerica. This publication presents our experience and lessons learned working with human rights defenders in the Mesoamerican region since 2007. This latest publication aims to illustrate our work accompanying groups that defend human […]
Public Development Banks (PDB) must deliver on the world we want
As the world faces the deepest global health, social, and economic crises in a century, intertwined with the growing destruction of biodiversity, the worsening impacts of the climate crisis, increasing and intersecting inequalities, and threats to fundamental rights, we, the undersigned civil society organizations, call on Public Development Banks (PDBs) to devote their considerable financial […]
Protection International joins over 200 organizations urging development banks to prioritize human rights in the global finance summit – Finance in Common
3 September 2020, In a letter addressed to the French Development Agency, over 200 organizations around the world are calling for the principles of a human rights-based and community-led development to be included and prioritized both in the agenda and the outcomes of the Finance in Common Summit, a high-level gathering of all Public Development […]
Protection International Publishes its 2019 Annual Report in English, French and Spanish
We are pleased to share with you our 2019 Annual Report, a publication that brings together our stories and highlights women and men human rights defenders (W/HRDs) who protect the Right to Defend Human Rights (RDHR) across the globe. 2019 was a year in which the world witnessed a rise in extremist politics, exacerbated conflicts, […]
Protection International publica su Informe Anual de 2019 en español, francés e inglés
Nos complace compartir con ustedes, lectoras y lectores, nuestro Informe Anual 2019, una publicación que reúne nuestros relatos y momentos destacados con las personas defensoras de los derechos humanos (M/DDH) que protegen el derecho a defender los derechos humanos (DDDH) en todo el mundo. 2019 fue un año en el que el mundo observó un […]
Annual Report 2019
We are pleased to share with Protection International‘s 2019 Annual Report, a publication which brings together our stories and highlights with women and men human rights defenders (W/HRDs) who protect the Right to Defend Human Rights (RDHR) across the globe. 2019 was a year in which the world witnessed a rise in extremist politics, exacerbated […]