HRDs being interviewed by journalists


El Acuerdo de Escazú y los Bancos de Desarrollo [Resumen del evento]

El evento paralelo “Cero tolerancia a represalias: El rol de los bancos de desarrollo y de Escazú en la protección de personas defensoras” tuvo lugar este 19 de abril, en el marco de la reunión COP2 Escazú organizada en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Protection International (PI) fue uno de los co-organizadores del evento en línea, junto […]

The gender perspective in the protection of women human rights defenders – the experiences of Mexico and Honduras.

Protection International, JASS and CEJIL come together in this publication to deepen understanding of the gender perspective and violence against women human rights defenders and to demand effective action from states. This publication aims to identify how the gender perspective has been incorporated into practices, strategies, regulations and programmes for the protection of human rights […]

Concern about the harassment, surveillance, and likely attempted murder of the lawyer and defender of the Peoples’ Front in Defense of Land and Water

Joint Declaration by: Peace Brigades International – PBI Mexico;World Organization Against Torture (OMCT) and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH),in the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders; Protection International Mesoamerica; Taula per Mèxic (Barcelona); Front line Defenders;Swedish Movement for Reconciliation – SweFOR; Amnesty International. Concern about the harassment, surveillance, […]

[Spanish] Protección colectiva: conversaciones con personas defensoras de derechos humanos en Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala y Honduras

To read the English article, follow the link. Memorias de cuatro conversatorios sobre la protección colectiva a personas y colectividades defensoras de los derechos humanos, ambientales y territoriales En 2020, las organizaciones Protection International (PI) con su trabajo en Brasil; la Associação de  Advogados de Trabalhadores Rurais- AATR (Brasil); el Centro de Estudos e Ação […]

The Women Who Defend Human Rights – Alejandra Ancheita

Alejandra Ancheita, the newest Laureate of the 2014 Martin Ennals Award for Human Rights Defenders visited Brussels in November 2014. Protection International (PI) was able to sit down with her. Alejandra, a Mexican lawyer, and human rights activist is the founder and Executive Director of Proyecto de Derechos Economicos, Sociales y Cuturales. Together with ProDESC, she has worked […]

Joint briefing on the situation of human rights defenders in view of EU-Mexico Human Rights Dialogue

Ahead of the EU-Mexico Human Rights Dialogue, which took place in Brussels on the 18th of March, Protection International together with PBI (Peace Brigades International), CIFCA (Iniciativa de Copenhague para Centroamérica y México) and Front Line Defenders submitted a joint briefing, reporting that HRDs in Mexico continue to suffer attacks, threats, harassment and murders. The four signatory organizations have […]