HRDs being interviewed by journalists


A Collective Discussion on Capacity-Strengthening: Join Our Research on Impactful Security and Protection Practices

22 January 2024

Protection International launched a groundbreaking research initiative to map out impactful capacity strengthening (formerly known as capacity-building) practices in security and protection that significantly enhance the daily work and protection of Human Rights Defenders (HRDs). We are reaching out to:

  • HRDs, organizations, and collectives who have benefited from capacity-strengthening support on security and protection management (excluding e-learning courses organized by Protection International).
  • Facilitators and donors who have played a role in funding, supporting, accompanying, or delivering capacity-strengthening processes focused on security and protection management for HRDs.

Contribute to PI’s Research

If you have engaged in or supported these capacity-strengthening efforts and are eager to contribute to our research, we invite you to participate in the following survey.

Survey Participants:

This survey marks the initial stage of a comprehensive research endeavor aimed at identifying best practices in capacity-strengthening processes for security and protection. Our commitment to this cause extends beyond one-off workshops, recognizing that sustained impact requires a multifaceted approach.

At Protection International, we have reflected extensively on the outcomes of our workshops. We understand that capacity-strengthening on security and protection management is a nuanced process in which success and sustainability depend on various factors. Our multidimensional protection approach encompasses safeguarding individuals, organizational processes, environments, territories, information, and networks, all grounded in the specific contexts and practices of the HRDs we support.

Why Your Input Matters: A Collective Discussion on Capacity-Strengthening

Simply transferring knowledge does not necessarily empower participants. In certain contexts, capacity-strengthening workshops may offer minimal impact due to overwhelming structural issues, while internal dynamics within CSOs and HR organizations can sometimes sideline security and protection priorities.

We are also aware of the environmental impact of our work. Decisions like taking a flight for a short workshop must be informed by its expected impact and outcomes. We believe a collective discussion on capacity sharing is imperative. This survey marks the beginning of an ambitious evaluation of capacity-strengthening interventions, aiming to uncover what works for whom, for what purpose, under specific circumstances, and how.

Your insights will be invaluable in shaping the future of capacity-strengthening practices and influencing a growing community of practitioners and donors interested in the tangible outcomes and impact of these activities.

Your Contribution Matters! Thank you in advance for your time and participation.