Search Results for: DRC – Page 3

Search Results for: DRC – Page 3


For the right to defend human rights. Our freedoms, our rights, our societies depend on people who take a stand in their defence. In other words, human rights need defenders. Human rights defenders take personal risks to make a safer, more equal, more inclusive and more just world for us all. Yet,

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Solidarity Statement with HEDA Resource Centre, Nigeria

Nairobi, 4 April 2022 We, the undersigned pan-African and international human rights organisations, are deeply concerned about the latest attacks against human rights defenders (HRDs) in Nigeria, and Africa. On the night of 28 March 2022, five armed men forcibly entered the home of Mr Olanrewaju Suraju, the Chairman of

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13 LUCHA defenders sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment for peaceful protest – a stain on the rule of law so highly praised by the authorities in the DR Congo.

JOINT STATEMENT 01 April 2022 We, the signatory organizations, deplore the unfounded and unjust condemnation of the thirteen human rights defenders (HRDs) of the LUCHA by the Beni Garrison Military Court. Today, 1 April 2022, 13 human rights defenders from the LUCHA movement were sentenced to 12 months in prison

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Celebration of the Women Human Rights Defenders Day in DR Congo

By Ephrem Chiruza “We will not stop until all human rights defenders enjoy their right to defend human rights by creating an enabling environment for this work to continue,” said Susan Muriungi, Protection International (PI) Africa Regional Director during the celebration of Women Human Rights Defenders Day held at the

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DR Congo Should Prioritise Justice for Serious Crimes

(Kinshasa, April 29, 2021) – The Democratic Republic of Congo’s newly appointed government should adopt a clear strategy for holding those suspected of criminal responsibility for grave human rights violations accountable, a coalition of 50 Congolese and international nongovernmental groups said today. President Felix Tshisekedi’s new government, led by Prime

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